Who we are

SYTRIECI (Syndicat des Travailleurs Domestiques et Indépendants de l’Economie Informelle) is a Trade Union for Domestics and Independents workers in Informal Economy which is a non-governmental organization composed by 5321 members working in different domains of informal sector : domestic workers, informal traders, tailors, waste pickers and management, etc. Actually, most of them are women.

SYTRIECI is affiliated to “StreetNet International” since 2015 and to IDWF (International Domestic Workers Federation) by 2021. It is open to join other local Trade Unions Forums that can contribute to the fulfillment of our mandate. SYTRIECI is apolitical and non-denominational, founded officially in February 23rd, 2014 in Kigali- Rwanda and got the legal personality in 2017 by ministerial order No 4367/19.20 and the official gazette N0 45 of 06 November 2017.


         The mission of SYTRIECI is to protect and promote the rights of workers in informal economy in view of improving their living and working conditions through education and consolidation of its members and representation of informal workers in decision-making bodies.


The vision of SYTRIECI is to a leading body that promotes the quality and sustainability of life and working conditions of informal economy workers.


The core values of this trade union are: Integrity, Excellence, Devoted , Decent work ,Transparency and Time management. The main strategies that help in fulfilling its duties are: Empowerment, Partnership and accountability.


The overall objective of SYTRIECI is to protect and defend the interests of independent Workers of informal sector.