A Joint Project between the countries of; DRC, Burundi and Rwanda

This project aims at strengthening the capacities of affiliates of SYVEBU du Burundi, ASSOVACO de la DRC et SYTRIECI du Rwanda and border officials involved in the Simplified Trade Regime through awareness raising sessions, lobbying and advocacy, and negotiations.

From 08th to 10th Nov, 2021, both SYTRIECI (Syndicat des travalleurs domestique et independents de l’economie informelles) of Rwanda and ASSOVACO (Association des vendeurs ambulants du Congo) of DRC, gathered at Rusizi on the side of Rwanda for the sensibilization on Simplified Trade Regime session, for the implementation of the ICBT-Joint project. 

After identification and selection of Informal Cross Border Traders on Rusizi 1&2 borders, SYTRIECI and ASSOVACO carried out the STR sensibilisation to traders and also included border officers as well as COMESA representation and district authorities was also present.

Informal traders were able to discuss issues that related to their daily work and how their members face harassments while crossing to the other side of the border but also difficulties they face after crossing into the neighboring country.

Authority of Rusizi District from the side of Rwanda which was represented by the head of JADF reminded informal traders that it is important that they comply with trading rules while trying to cross the border, but also recognized problems they face and promised to continuously work with authorities in charge at the border for the better advancement and treatment of informal traders at borders. 

The COMESA representation also welcomed the efforts put in by both trade unions on each side of the border and encouraged traders to speak in one voice of cause by remaining together in their trade unions. He also promised to be supportive to informal traders by releasing helpful information to them as they cross the border.

Representatives of both trade unions (SYTRIECI&ASSOVACO), thanked the courage of informal traders and vowed to keep up the spirit of advocacy for the advancement of informal traders and the vision towards a shift from informal to formal economy.