Negotiation skills training organized by SYTRIECI in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES)

SYTRIECI in Partnership with Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung carried out a negotiation training of the Informal workers members of SYTRIECI who were not able to negotiate for their rights even to expose their problems to different instances. 

The absence of skills in negotiations, lack of knowledge about their rights, is a big issue and barrier confronted by this sector and this affect them because they are not able to negotiate prices with clients and loan from the banks. 

This affects their incomes generation and causes internal conflicts. Through the training, informal workers member of SYTRIECI, were equipped with skills in matters of negotiation which is playing a huge role in their businesses formalization. A small number of members was trained due to the available resources, it is planned to organize further training in order to raise the number of trained members who could also help the rest of the members.